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Est. 1967 Wallis, TX


Brazos Little League was founded in 1967 and is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. For over 50 years Brazos LL has provided young athletes the opportunity to experience and achieve excellence.  Our league is a 100% volunteer organization.  With our volunteers support, our league provides coaches and role models who will help teach young players the skills needed to play baseball and softball. Additionally, we strive for our players to gain leadership skills, learn good sportsmanship, and develop life long friendships! Please note when joining this league, it is expected every parent will do there part as an active Volunteer during the season.

Spring Season 
Spring registration typically OPEN annually, from mid November until the first week of January.  Player evaluations are typically scheduled mid/late January and teams can begin practices mid-February. League games typically start the week following Spring Break in March. The spring season typically consists of 10 -12 games with the season ending at the end of May/ early June.  Little League post season (All Stars) tournaments are typically scheduled to start mid-June.

Team games are typically scheduled twice weekly (weeknights from 5pm-8pm). There is a possibility for Saturday games depending on league size, field lighting and rainouts. All games are held at Brazos fields in Wallis, TX. Team practices will be held at the discretion and location of the volunteer head coach.  Every attempt will be made to minimize travel times during weeknights & weekends.  

Spring Seasons: February - May

We offer the following Little League Baseball & Softball divisions.

Tee-ball (Coed)

·        Tee Ball Division (4-6 Years Old)

Baseball (Boys)

·        Coach Pitch Division (7-8 Years Old)

·        Minors Division (9-10 Years Old)

·        Majors Division (11-12 Years Old)

·        Juniors Division (13-14 Years Old)

Softball (Girls)

·        Coach Pitch Division (7-8 Years Old) 

·        Minors Division (9-10 Years Old)

·        Majors Division (11-12 Years Old)

·        Juniors Division (13-14 Years Old)

Contact Us

Brazos Little League

PO Box 612 
Wallis, Texas 77485

Email Us: [email protected]
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